Why Da Nang Is One Of The Best Locations for Digital Nomads

Da Nang, a city on the central coast of Vietnam, is an emerging hotspot for digital nomads and remote workers from all over the world. Known for its beautiful beaches, lush green mountains and vibrant riverfront sceneries, it’s the perfect blend of urban and rural environments, making it appealing to both the city lovers and the ones looking for a more tranquil area to unwind and get some work done.

As well as being picturesque, it also offers numerous modern amenities, providing a comfortable lifestyle for long-term visitors. In this article, we’ll list the aspects that make Da Nang so inviting for digital nomads, but be warned: it might just leave you wanting to head there with your laptop.

Affordable cost of living 

Da Nang has, as most places in Southeast Asia, an extremely budget-friendly lifestyle. The cost of living is ultimately low, making it very attractive for visitors with higher salary ranges.

It offers countless housing options, ranging from affordable studio apartments to the more luxurious condos with private gyms and swimming pools. As rent costs are significantly lower than in most Western cities, remote workers are able to find accommodation that suits any budget and needs. 

If you want to keep expenses even lower, another popular option amongst digital nomads is shared accommodation such as rented rooms in shared houses or villas. Along with the budget-cutting, this promotes a community feeling. 

And, of course, there’s the food scene in Da Nang. Ah, the food! 

Its diversity (from local street food at the vibrant city markets to international cuisine) and low cost (as low as $2 USD per meal!) makes it possible to enjoy eating out very often without breaking the bank. We recommend stepping out of your comfort zone here and trying out some local foods, such as Mi Quang.

Getting around in Da Nang is not only affordable, but it’s also easy. You can rent a scooter or grab a cab to navigate the city, or instead go for a bike rental if you’d rather explore the area at a more leisurely pace. 

You can try out the public transportation, such as a bus, but unless you’re planning to go out of the city it might not be one of the most comfortable options.

Reliable Infrastructure

A digital nomad or remote worker will usually need (or want) modern infrastructure, at least to some extent.

As for high-speed internet, crucial for those who rely on the internet for work, it’s widely available in Da Nang – so connectivity shouldn’t be an issue. 

Many cafés and restaurants have free Wi-Fi available to the public as well, if you’d rather work outside of home. If co-working spaces are more your thing, we have good news: Da Nang has a range of co-working spaces that cater to the needs of digital nomads, where you can connect and network with other like minded individuals.

Beautiful landscapes

If you’d rather head out of the crowded city for some relaxing outdoor activities, Da Nang is surrounded by stunning natural scenery.

You can head over to My Khe beach and Non Nuoc beach for some swimming and sunbathing, or go for a picnic in one of the city’s numerous parks and green spaces. 

The nearby Marble Mountains are a great area for hiking trails and panoramic views of the coastline and city.

The more seasoned hikers might want to head over to other nearby areas such as Son Tra Mountain or Bach Ma National Park, which offer more challenging (but breathtaking) trails.

Vibrant Community & Culture

Da Nang’s lively and diverse community is another one of its more attractive features, making digital nomads and expats alike feel welcomed. 

Vietnam’s growing population of people from all over the world offers an opportunity for people to connect and share travel/work experiences through the regular events and meetups hosted in Da Nang. This allows newcomers to feel integrated and at home quite quickly. 

You can also immerse yourself in the city’s rich cultural scene by checking out the various festivals and events that happen throughout the year to celebrate local traditions, art and cuisine.

All in all, Da Nang offers the perfect combination of affordable living, beautiful natural scenery, good infrastructure and a vibrant community. This makes it the ideal environment for digital nomads seeking a productive and exciting lifestyle.

Starting from Skratch? Here are some links to help you get started:




Facts before you go


Vietnam đồng (₫)

💬 Language


🍲Traditional food

Mi Quang, Banh trang cuon, Bun cha ca...

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